Did you catch last night's tea? You know we had to get the answers to some of your burning questions during Part 2 of #TheOneatTVOne reunion! Were you shocked by the controversy that didn't make it on the big screen? Plus, it looks like Brent and Ashley J hit it off after filming! 😍 For a recap, click the link in our bio.

We all have our preferences when it comes to dating. Some people like to take their time and truly get to know each other. And some people like to date at a faster pace, but how soon is too soon?

Last night's episode of #TheOneonTVOne had people in their feelings! From the shady cattiness to the elimination process, we all were holding our breath. Were you surprised by who was sent home, do you think you know who will be sent packing next week?

Man, did we have a time last night! As the competition continues to thicken, all types of shade were being thrown, and tempers were flaring! Did you watch the latest episode of #TheOneatTVOne? If so, let us know what your thoughts are.

Whew it got spicy last night! To welcome their suitors, Ashley and Brent threw a fun, grown and sexy cocktail party where we saw tempers flare.