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Are you a woman who pays for dates? Has your date ordered the most expensive thing on the menu? Read about Darling Nikki's experience.

If pole dancing became and Olympic sport, would you take home the gold? Darling Nikki would.

Should you put a time frame on when to get intimate in a relationship? Darling Nikki has an opinion on the matter.

Darling Nikki shares her top 5 social media etiquette rules for dating.

Darling Nikki tells single ladies the importance of the dating game and offers three men that are needed in your roster.

Darling Nikki offers three reasons why vacation sex is worth the trip.

Darling Nikki tells you how to plan a staycation for two with sex and romance on a budget!

Darling Nikki tells of her revenge after she learns that she is the jumpoff.

Darling Nikki advises that it is ok and may even be necessary to fix your man's plate.

Darling Nikki asks if grown women should still use the word boyfriend.

Darling Nikki discusses her date with Mr. Perfect.

Darling Nikki explores the question, Are Brothers Really Bigger?