Tami Roman was offered a six figure endorsement deal from a diet company that required her to drop 25 pounds. Naturally, that’s all the motivation she needed.

Vivica had the following to say about Ms. Dash’s political beliefs: "It was just surprising that first of all she was a Republican, and that she did it the way that she did."

Political actress Kerry Washington discussed the issue of voting, and more importantly, why Black women can’t take their right for granted.

Tyra Banks is ready to be somebody’s mama. In an interview, Tyra acknowledged she is itching to begin motherhood.

Mr. Madea also talks about what it’s like reprising the role originally played by the legendary Morgan Freeman.

Rihanna’s first foray into television, the British-based reality series, Styled To Rock, hasn’t matched the massive success she is used to.

Proving once again that you can’t pick your family, Halle Berry has revealed that she is related to former Alaskan governor, vice presidential candidate, and current political buffoon Sarah Palin. The Oscar-winning actress made the revelation during an interview with Extra:  Jerry asked Halle’s "Cloud Atlas" co-star Tom Hanks about his relationship to Abraham Lincoln moments before she […]

Brandy discusses her new project, newfound confidence on stage, and plans for the upcoming year.

In Touch magazine, the couple and their kids reprise an iconic portrait from the legendary sitcom, The Cosby Show.

Nas, who has been reported to owe millions in back taxes, lost his Georgia home to foreclosure.

With the video being released around the time of National Coming Out Day, some suspected that perhaps Marsha was using her art to make the ultimate statement.

I’m sure the tabloid would absolutely love the first Black president having his very own Marilyn Monroe, but don’t start none, won’t be none.