Ouch! Roland Martin and his NewsOne Now panelists weigh in on everything from Donald Trump, the Dallas Cowboys, Dove and so much more.

Ouch! Roland Martin and his NewsOne Now panelists weigh in on everything from Donald Trump, the Dallas Cowboys, Dove and so much more.

Ouch! Roland Martin and his NewsOne Now panelists weigh in on everything from Donald Trump, the Dallas Cowboys, Dove and so much more.

Hill suggested followers should consider boycotting advertisers of the NFL after Dallas Cowboys owner threatened to punish players who kneeled during the national anthem.

We’re not sure which Vice Presidential debate Deanna Bass (former Press Secretary for Ben Carson) was watching, but it damn sure wasn’t the one Roland (or we) saw last night! Not only does Roland have to check her on Clinton’s “half of Trump supporters are racist” diss (turns our Clinton was statistically right), but he […]