No one has ever said being a black woman was easy. And Kerry Washington really illustrated that fact last week when she told us how the Clarence Thomas trial tore at her from two sides — racism and sexism.

This led us to ask you, when it comes to issues of social justice or just waking up in the morning, which do you see yourself as first — black or female?

Well, let it never be said that any of you held your tongue!  The question seemed to hit a nerve (lots of exclamation points!) and even had some of you asking why WE would ask such a question. Here’s a taste of some of the diverse answers you guys kicked back.






However, in the end, the majority who responded said that neither identity comes first — being a black woman is just that, being a black woman.

TELL US: Do you agree with the overall sentiment that race and gender are equally part of your identity as a black woman? Are there ever situations in which one trumps the other? Reply below or hit us up @tvonetv