
Republicans won big on election day taking control of the Senate after picking up seven seats and could push their numbers to 54 in what…

Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight talk panel (Lauren Victoria Burke, Angela Rye, J. Hogan Gidley, Tara Wall and Dr. Jason Johnson) take a…


Once election day is over the real work starts. There are a number of issues that will confront newly elected officials, incumbents and President Barack…


In what would seem to be a last ditch effort to gin up the Black vote on election day, Democrats are invoking the shooting deaths…


Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” Straight Talk panel (J. Hogan Gidley, Angela Rye and Rock Newman) discuss what the outcome of this year’s midterm…


A special election investigation by Al Jazeera America and journalist Greg Palast uncovered a series of Republican lead anti-voter fraud actions that may be targeting…


Earlier this week, L’Oreal USA inked a deal to acquire Lisa Price’s Carol’s Daughter. Guest host Angela Rye and the “NewsOne Now” panel (Janaye Ingram, Stefanie…


Bershan Shaw of OWN’s “Love In The City” is a two time breast cancer survivor. She stopped by “NewsOne Now” to share her amazing story of…


Comedians Cletus Cassidy, Rob Gordon and Vince Barnett appeared on “NewsOne Now” with guest host Angela Rye for Wildin’ Out Wednesday. This weeks comedians panel got so…


Dr. Ben Carson joined guest hosts Angela Rye and Armstrong Williams on “NewsOne Now” to discuss Ebola‘s arrival in America and shared his views on what…


In a recent editorial, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank  called President Barack Obama the “Pariah President”. This past weekend during a rally for Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown,…


The Obama administration is cracking down on Ebola by instituting travel restrictions for individuals coming from West Africa. Will travel restrictions and the naming of…