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BET Honors Stevie Wonder At Walk Of Fame

In the latest issue of Sister 2 Sister magazine, JoJo Hailey opens up about his alcoholism. JoJo says if he could go back, he would’ve never been in Jodeci. Yikes, but what about the “Diary of a Mad Band” album? Perish the thought.

In any event, here’s an excerpt.

Jamie: Do you remember starting with alcohol?

JoJo: You know, it’s been so long. Ever since Jodeci had their first hit, that’s when everything started spiraling downward. I mean with the whole band, individually and as a group. From then on I really didn’t have no feelings about it. It was just party and BS. But I didn’t think it was taking a toll on me until the first time that I said I wasn’t going to drink anything, and I fell into a seizure. So that was like a withdrawal.

Jamie: This is really something. Do you have problems with your liver or anything now?

JoJo: The only thing that’s going on with me now—and I thank God I’m still here able to talk to you again—is my pancreas. I drank so much until a small part of my pancreas had ate away. That’s no pain you want to feel. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.

Jamie: If you were to start all over today, knowing what you know now, what would you do or not do?

JoJo: Knowing what I know now, I don’t think I would have been in Jodeci.

Jamie: Tiny was it difficult loving him through this?

JoJo: Good question. I want to know the answer to this.

Jamie: Because that’s hard on you. He’s not even who he is when he’s drinking.

Tashaunda: Right. There have been some difficult moments where I felt like running away but I know that there’s this beautiful person in there and he’s hiding behind alcohol. If you marry somebody, you love them unconditionally. It’s not just something that you can just walk away from. The biggest thing that a lot of people don’t understand, which I myself didn’t understand until I was in this situation is that alcoholism. It’s an illness.

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