Photo: courtesy of James Arzente

We hear it all the time as a half-serious joke from our Black friends and family members: “When are we gonna get our 40 acres and a mule for the hard labor of our ancestors?”

Little did we know, this sentiment for reparations would be received by our white counterparts and made available via the interweb.

Yes, you read right: White people are giving online reparations, y’all.

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According to The Washington Post, there is a “public forum where white people can offer their belongings or services and people of color can request help for a specific need.” This forum, known as, was created by Natasha Marin, a Seattle-based artist and a woman of color, who says she has always wanted to do something about the racial injustices in this country.

“I realized that the people I connected to were largely disheartened and powerless” after a series of killings of black men by police and racist rhetoric during the presidential race, she said. “We were being bombarded by death and fear.”

The site, which humbly started as a Facebook group, allowed her to reach out to her friends of color and encourage them to post what they would need to “feel better, be happier, be more productive.” After receiving feedback, she then asked her white friends to offer what they could.

Overall, Natasha mentions that this is not reparations for slavery per say, but an opportunity to help those who have been at a disadvantage.

“It’s a word that means repair, and I feel like many people feel are broken,” she says.

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TELL US: What are your personal thoughts on reparations? Will you be utilizing Natasha’s website? Comment below or mention us @tvonetv!