Women Behind TV One | Aisha Shaw

SVP, Direct Response & Advanced TV, Advertising Sales and Marketing

During Women’s History Month, the world highlights the contributions of women throughout history!

At TV One, we are celebrating Black women who have broken down barriers to excel against the odds in their fields, and whose actions have made profound and lasting impacts on American culture. Among the women paving the way and inspiring, uplifting, and empowering Black women, are actually those behind our network.

Join us throughout the month of March, as we pull back the curtain to highlight our own! In Q&A style, learn more about the women who make things happen every day at TV One with their hard work and dedication.

Introducing Aisha Shaw

What led you to TV One?

I began my career on the Advertising Agency side of the business and was interested in transitioning to TV Advertising Sales. When the opportunity presented itself, I was excited to join TV One, a relatively new Black-owned and targeted Cable Network. I was eager to contribute my skills, media expertise, and passion for the Black community to help TV One achieve its mission of becoming a home base for African-Americans and a TV destination where African-Americans would be authentically represented, and positively and broadly reflected as a people rich in culture, and diverse in aspirations, accomplishments, and interests.

Why is it important for women to have a seat at the table, especially in the entertainment industry?

It’s important that women are adequately represented in the workplace and particularly in leadership positions because women are able to provide different perspectives that spurs innovation, challenges harmful stereotypes, and they inspire other young women.

Media is powerful and plays a key role in shaping the world view and the values of society. Representation of women in the entertainment industry, both in front of and behind the camera, is critical to providing a more balanced and accurate depiction of women as well as marginalized communities and minority groups.

If you could only pick one, who is the most influential woman you know? And how does she inspire you?

The most influential Woman I know is my mother Francina Simmons. She is a woman of great character and has taught her family the most valuable life lessons of resilience, perseverance, faith, integrity, gratitude, kindness, and strong work ethic. She is the happiest and most fulfilled person I know and has been my greatest supporter and advisor. She inspires me every day to live in gratitude of my blessings, trust in God, be of service to others, and to be unrelenting in the pursuit of my goals.

What advice do you have for young women starting out in their careers?

My advice to young women beginning their careers is to ask for what you want even when it makes you uncomfortable. Ask for that raise, promotion or additional responsibility. And don’t be afraid to make others uncomfortable when advocating for yourself. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities even when you feel unsure, and know that you are capable and worthy. Fear is normal and healthy but always challenge yourself to push through your fears. Understand that your quality of work, reliability, relationships with colleagues, and work ethic all contribute to your personal brand. Be intentional about developing a strong personal brand as many doors will open and opportunities will come to you organically. Lastly, actively seek positive female and male mentors and sponsors both inside and outside your organization that will provide support and guidance, and help you navigate the challenges that are sure to come.

What legacy would you like to leave?

I would like my legacy to be that I’ve made a meaningful and positive impact on my family, friends and community. I hope to leave generational wealth and a safety net for my children’s children, so that they may prosper and have opportunities far exceeding their Great grandparents who grew up in the Jim Crow South. I want to inspire through my life’s work a deep commitment to the upliftment of the black community and the empowerment of women.

To see more Women’s History Month stories and spotlights, click here.